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A Thousand thoughts

A thousand thoughts find their way into my averaged sized head like neon strings of light, passing through one another in a day.

A day: 24 hours, we limit ourselves to that time frame and aim to get enough off our ever growing ‘to do lists’ while we wondrously roam the universe.

Striving for greatness as hopeless romantics, we set ourselves up for failure and then question why we’ve fallen short!

Interpreting our thoughts as dreams and aspirations then curiously wondering why we’re dealt the lives we lead.

Never taking into account our goals we set ourselves are all different and some quite obviously more reachable than others. Continuing to take for granted the lives we built around us because we aspire to have more! MORE… but of what?!

We aren’t crazy. At least not all of us. We have just been forced to believe this is how we should live our lives since birth. We are told to never settle, work harder, leave a legacy and give our lives meaning.

But what if, what we have is someone else’s version of a happy ending? Would you question is it enough for them too?!

An epiphany occurs, we realise that we aren’t short of anything. We’re just expectant. Waiting for the next big hurricane to hit and turn our lives into something spectacularly different, because even though we want more we aren’t willing to do what we have to in order to get it.

Another neon string storms its way into your mind and takes hold. The thick fog lifts with the light of the thought and suddenly we see how different our lives would be if we only realised;

We are not our jobs, we are not our money, we are not our failures, we are not our illnesses, and we are not our failed relationships.

We are every god damn moment in between!

We are whispering heartfelt conversations with our partners at 2am in the dark. We are walks alone in the park admiring the beauty of nature. We are our tears of sadness and tears of joy, we are the smiles that brace our faces and we are the joy we bring to others.

Following another neon string, nothing other than the thought of change. A change we know is essential to being at peace in our own minds.

What if we decide to not live up to anyone’s expectations? What if we look around and begin to appreciate what we have? The people who care for us unconditionally. The magic that in fact surrounds us each and every day. The beauty of the towns that we live in and the opportunity that awaits us when we’re ready to try.

Only then, will we learn to love our dreams again and not let them master us. Only then will we learn to think a thousand thoughts and not let each one of them take control.

By Megan Porter

By Megan Porter

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